Sunday, November 14, 2010

Use Fruit Smoothie Recipes In Your Heart Healthy Diet

So you have visited your doctor and he has dropped the bomb that your cholesterol is much too high and, unless treated, you are running the risk of developing one type of cardiovascular disease or another. Naturally, you are depressed and anxious because of all this means for your lifestyle as well as your health. Now you will have to change your diet and probably start exercising more and all that means you aren't as young as you used to be!

But don't be too depressed. The fact that you went to your doctor and that he identified the problem before it had a chance to develop into something more serious is a huge step in helping you continue with your lifestyle pretty much the way it is, with only a few adjustments.

True, these adjustments will take some will power on your part, especially if you are addicted to foods that have helped contribute to your cholesterol problems, but given the alternative of possible heart disease and/or stroke, aren't these changes worth it? Here are some helpful tips on how you can be an active participant in your own recovery and keep you cholesterol readings under control.

Avoid foods with saturated fats and cholesterol. Both will raise the levels of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) Watch the size of your portions. Too many of us east giant size meals with twice the amount of food our body needs. This contributes to both cholesterol and to weight gain. Practice eating portions that can approximately fit into the palms of your hand.

Add fish to the fruit and veggies on the plate. It is recommended that fish be on your menu at least two times a week to take advantage of the omega-3 fatty acids that are very helpful in lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Add whole grains to your daily meal plans. Whole grains have more fiber and complex carbohydrates which are both goo for your heart and, as an added bonus, will keep you feeling fuller for a longer time. Some whole grains are whole wheat flour, both wild and brown rice, and oatmeal.

All these foods, and many more, can be prepared in delicious and tempting ways and be healthy at the same time. So, if you do have cholesterol that is higher than it should be and you must take steps to bring it under control don't despair. There are more than enough food choices to keep you happy, content, and much healthier.
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